Our Villainous Trio

Minnie Armstrong

Minerva "Minnie" Armstrong

Codename: Last Nerve
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 13
Superpower(s): Yet to be exhibited
Likes: Photography, sciences (especially biology), animals, video games, jailbreaking tech, women’s soccer, being a little punk
Dislikes: Superhero junk, goody-goodies, commercials, cutesy stuff, idiots, animal abuse, anyone who tells her what to do

The intended future Captain Armstrong the third, Minnie doesn’t have any interest in the hero business. She’d much rather live the wild and free lifestyle of a supervillain, wreaking havoc without anyone able to tell them what to do! And once she sets her mind on something, she won’t let anything stop her from pursuing it - not her dad taking up all her time with brutal hero training, not her mom begging her to stop acting out, and certainly not her uncle Buck telling her to get lost and stop bothering him. Like it or not, Last Nerve is here to learn the ways of supervillainy.

When she’s not doing that, though, Minnie’s a pretty average, if surly, thirteen-year-old girl: outwardly utterly convinced she’s got everything figured out and everyone around her is an idiot, inwardly deeply self-conscious and trying to act more adult than she really feels. She’s got a soft spot for animals and an interest in science and photography, but up until recently, hasn’t had the time to pursue either as a hobby. Years of hero training have made her a decent enough hand-to-hand combatant, despite her lack of evident superpowers, and spending lots of time home alone learning to evade her less tech-savvy parents’ phone trackers and parental controls has made her a solid amateur hacker-slash-programmer. She’s also quite clever and is taking online classes a few levels above her grade, despite often being taken out of school for training and press junkets - not that she’ll admit to that, because that would make her a nerd, and she’s no nerd. She’s a cool future supervillain and she’s gonna kick your ass about it.

Buck Armstrong

Buck Armstrong

Codename: The Invincible Bulkhead
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 49
Superpower(s): Superhuman durability & healing
Likes: Cars, mechanical engineering, cooking, a clean house, a messy workbench, comfortable clothes, jazz music
Dislikes: His family, kids, computers, small talk, crowds, superheroes, con-artists, bigots, nosy people, camping

Buck Armstrong was world-famous before he was even born, being the firstborn son of the original Captain Armstrong and his wife, [TBD] - both superheroes of considerable renown. His destiny as one of a long legacy of superheroes was set in stone… except, he had no interest in being a hero, and ultimately lost out as successor in favor of his younger brother Leo. In retaliation, Buck turned to supervillainy instead, forging his own nefarious identity as The Invincible Bulkhead and being heartily disowned by the Armstrong family as a result.

Over nearly twenty-five years of supervillainy, the public has become quite familiar with the bombastic behavior of Bulkhead and his trusty mech, robbing everything from banks to grocery stores to classified government facilities. What they’re less familiar with is the “off-the-clock” Buck Armstrong: a curmudgeonly, socially anxious man who would much rather spend his time holed up in the garage or buzzing away in the kitchen than talking to people. The one exception seems to be his more recent partner-in-crime The Dynamo - or, more privately, his long-term boyfriend and domestic partner Davey. Largely uninterested in grander villainous schemes of world domination, the two have carved out a modestly comfortable life fueled by their occasional heists, and Buck has settled happily into their routine day-to-day… too bad Minnie is determined to disrupt those routines by any means possible.



Codename: The Dynamo
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 46
Superpower(s): None
Likes: Kickboxing, video games, trashy TV, building things, kicky outfits, comfort food, helping folks, gossiping
Dislikes: Being taken for granted, nosy people, homework, bigots, holier-than-thou folks, those jackasses who make being mean to kids a personality

A former civilian turned current supervillain, “The Dynamo” rose to notoriety some fourteen years back with a series of bold heists, culminating in an alleged attempt on the life of a rival supervillain. Since then, he’s largely mellowed out, engaging in only occasional low-level heists and largely fading from the public eye - only to suddenly explode back onto the scene about seven years ago as the recurring partner-in-crime of the notorious Invincible Bulkhead.

In actuality, Davey is Buck’s long-term boyfriend and domestic partner, having forged a connection with him during their frequent crossing-of-paths as solo villains. As Davey’s a former handyman and mechanic, he’s a perfect match with Buck’s big ideas and amateur engineering, with the two building and refining mechanical marvels like Buck’s mech and Davey’s prosthetic arm. He’s also a significantly better hand-to-hand combatant compared to Buck, allowing him to serve as the muscle and finesse while Buck and his mech provide a distraction, defense, and quick getaway.

Off-the-clock, Davey’s a friendly, easygoing guy, proving much more personable than his curmudgeonly partner. He spends much of his time enjoying simple pleasures like trashy TV, video games, and Buck’s cooking, or will busy himself doing miscellaneous home repairs before Buck can DIY any of his own bubblegum-and-duct-tape type fixes. Unlike Buck, he’s quite happy to invite Minnie into their lives… but because Buck keeps the nature of their relationship such a closely-guarded secret, Minnie isn’t quite sure what to make of this random guy hanging around Uncle Buck’s hideout. Hopefully he can win her over eventually…

Our Supporting Cast

Leo Armstrong

Leo Armstrong

Codename: Captain Armstrong
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 45
Superpower(s): Superhuman strength
Likes: Being a hero, cross-fit, meeting new people, gadgets and doohickies, a house in order
Dislikes: Villainy, ingratitude, disruption, things not going according to plan, being talked down to

The second Captain Armstrong, Leo inherited the title from his own father after his death, and expects Minnie to succeed him in turn. He lives and breathes the hero business, having wanted to become one for as long he can remember, and ultimately beating out his older brother Buck for the title of successor. Unfortunately, his single-minded focus on do-goodery has affected his familial relationships - he and his wife are rarely home, and when they are, he spends almost all his time training Minnie, utterly ignorant to her complaints. All this means he’s very eager to get her back home as quickly and quietly as possible, before she can follow in Uncle Buck’s footsteps and ruin the Armstrong family name in the process.

Betty Armstrong

Betty Armstrong

Codename: Acro-Bette
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 35
Superpower(s): Superhuman strength and durability, increased speed and agility, ability to produce spider silk-like threads
Likes: Doing good, helping others, talking to new people, a good book, the sciences (especially entomology and biology), fast food, talk shows
Dislikes: Feeling useless or uninformed, high heels, GPS directions, unscrupulous people

A former civilian and once-aspiring biotechnician, an incident at her college internship left Betty suddenly blessed with a whole suite of acrobatic, superheroic abilities. (Not spider powers. Don’t call them spider powers. Bad PR.) Next thing she knew she was swept up in the world of superheroes as their newest up-and-comer, and not long after that, gained even further notoriety as the wife of Captain Armstrong the second, becoming a new part of the family’s heroic legacy.

Though she’s incredibly proud to be a hero, Betty often finds herself overwhelmed as a relative newcomer to the field, and tends to rely on her husband for direction as a legacy hero born-and-bred in the sphere. She also wishes her job gave her more time to spend with her increasingly-strong-willed daughter, who she finds herself struggling to connect with more and more with each passing day.


Cookie the Rat

Pronouns: she/her/hers or it/its
Age: 1
Superpower(s): Is a rat, got taught how to press a button for treats, alarmingly good at escaping cages
Likes: Scuttling, being held very gentle, yogurt chips, hitting buttons, causing problems
Dislikes: Being ignored, not getting yogurt chips, getting put back in the cage after escaping the cage

Once a much-ignored eighth grade class pet, Cookie has received a new lease on life after being semi-accidentally stolen by Minnie over spring break, now serving as the henchrat-slash-household pet of a whole team of supervillains. Always eager to cause trouble by breaking out of her cage and hitting buttons she shouldn’t, Cookie would probably be the most effective villain of the group if she weren’t a very small rat. Fortunately for the world at large, she is a very small rat, so for now, she’ll have to settle for diabolical schemes like “break into the bag of yogurt chips” or “scuttle across the keyboard when Buck’s desperately trying to figure out how to send e-mails”.

Dr. Mal Practis

Dr. Mallory "Mal" Practis

Pronouns: they/them/theirs
Age: Wouldn't You Like To Know
Superpower(s): Technically none; use proprietary formulas to transmute body into that of various Creatures and Monsters
Likes: Bioengineering and biological sciences, experimenting, mind games, getting paid, gossiping
Dislikes: Holier-than-thou people, rabble-rousers, scammers, legal and ethical restrictions on experimentation

Looking for highly classified, unstable compounds? Or perhaps several gallons of human blood? The latest and greatest in bioweapons of all sorts? Look no further than Dr. Mallory Practis, mad scientist extraordinaire. Their discretion in clientele starts and ends with “will you sell me out and stop me from continuing my experiments?” If you’re willing to clear that bar, and you’ve got cash to spend or something worthwhile to trade, they’re willing to do business. Unfortunately for the more paranoid buyers out there, this also means they’ve got no moral scruples preventing them from selling you out for the right price - doubly so given they’re a notorious gossip. No one’s one-hundred percent sure who they were before the black market business, only that they were supposedly blacklisted from mainstream scientific circles for misappropriating funds and materials to perform transmutation experiments on themself.



Pronouns: any/all
Age: ;)
Superpower(s): None
Likes: Electrical engineering, radio, music of all kinds, retrofuture and cyberpunk type stuff, breakfast foods, being useful
Dislikes: The military-industrial complex, late-stage capitalism, humid weather, tech bros, being ignored, bigots of all sorts

Perhaps one of the more morally upstanding members of the villain community, Scuttlebutt puts on a pirate broadcast to keep evildoers big and small in the know about the latest heist opportunities, superhero threats, and more. Having been operating for just about thirteen years, Scuttlebutt pulls from a vast network of classified sources to make sure those on the fringes of society keep fed, housed, and thoroughly warned against any uppity superheroes swinging in to kick butt. Their efforts against the likes of ambush tactics, Villain Culls, and more have made him a major enemy of the superhero industry, and as such, she keeps just about every aspect of their identity under lock and key, even among close friends. After all, tragically, in this line of work, you never know who might sell you out to save their own skin…

Golden Boy

Golden Boy

Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 45 in Earth years
Superpower(s): Superhuman strength, durability and healing, flight, extremely slowed aging, only sometimes needs oxygen
Likes: Protecting people in need, stopping villainy, punching things, flexing, standing in the open air out in a field marveling at the beauty of the natural world, anime, punching again
Dislikes: Corruption, evil deeds, self-serving interests, being looked down on, when you get french fries that are too greasy so they’re just kind of floppy and gross

Golden Boy came down to Earth as a shooting star, raised humbly by a community of farmers with very little to their names, and has been utterly entranced by the world and its people ever since. As such, when the legendary hero Silver Fox offered him the opportunity to become his protege and use his powers to protect the common man, Golden Boy leapt at the chance! Now he’s a hero all his own, having been granted the title when Silver Fox finally retired some twenty-odd years ago.

Unfortunately, the world’s changed a lot since Silver Fox’s day. Once a rag-tag effort to use one’s exceptional abilities to protect others, these days heroism’s more a tightly-controlled operation reliant on good PR above all else. But Golden Boy holds true to his classical, idealistic teachings, focused on doing good and stopping evil above all else, which has given him somewhat of a reputation as a bumbling, outdated joke among other superheroes and much of the public. He’s the most frequent opposition of Bulkhead and Dynamo, as most other heroes don’t bother with heists as comparatively small-scale as theirs, while Golden Boy remains convinced he can eventually get through to them and stop their evildoing for good if he continues to show up in opposition.

The Junkyard Queens

Melody, Harmony & Major

Codename: The Junkyard Queens
Pronouns: she/her/hers for all
Age: Mid-30s for all
Superpower(s): None

These three lovely ladies manage the junkyard on the outskirts of the abandoned industrial district, and in turn, have named themselves stewards of the entire area - including Buck and Davey’s hideout. Lucky for them, the Queens adore them, particularly Buck, who did odd jobs for them and ran off troublemakers when they were first starting work at the junkyard as snot-nosed teens. Fiercely protective of their own, they make sure the only folks in their little community are those who will protect the others in it - no self-serving sell-outs or bootlickers in their abandoned factories. They’re also more than willing to let Buck and Davey scrounge for parts in the junkyard, and conveniently forget anything and anyone they saw recently if the authorities come sniffing around.