About the Comic

Minerva “Minnie” Armstrong is destined to be a superhero. Her parents are both heroes of considerable renown, and her grandparents before them. Trouble is, Minnie couldn’t care less about being a superhero - in fact, she actively hates the idea. Lucky for her, she’s figured out another way…

Years before she was even born, her uncle Buck - having been defeated by his brother in the fight to succeed their superhero father - extended the ultimate middle finger to the Armstrong name, becoming a supervillain known as “The Invincible Bulkhead” instead. Out there free as a bird, terror of the tri-county area… that’s just the kind of life Minnie wants! And so one fateful day, she runs away from home, tracking Buck down and asserting herself as his new apprentice - whether he wants one or not (and let him tell you, he does not).

Thus begins the villainous adventure of up-and-coming bad guy extraordinaire, “Last Nerve”, under the reluctant tutelage of “The Invincible Bulkhead” and his apparent live-in co-conspirator, “The Dynamo” (y’all can just call him Davey). Will Minnie be able to survive the grueling supervillain lifestyle? Will she ever manage to convince Uncle Buck to see her as more than a nuisance? Will she figure out why the hell Davey is just, like, hanging out here all the time? And how will all three of them manage when heroes and villains alike come calling in search of the rebellious Armstrong heir - Minnie’s parents chief among them…?

About the Project

Hello, hello! You’re here early! For you see, what we have here is still the early days of what I hope Villain-Coded will eventually be!

My intent is for Villain-Coded to eventually consist of one long-form, ongoing story in webcomic form, covering roughly a year in the lives of Buck, Davey and Minnie as the latter runs away from home to become her uncle’s new villainous apprentice. As I work on writing and refining this story, I’ll also be creating doodles, one-off comics and smaller self-contained plots to build out the world and refine these characters. The archive page will link to all of these and be continuously updated to match the chronology of the ongoing story, so that, eventually, you will be able to read from the start of these character’s year together all the way through to the end (even if I end up drawing somewhere in the middle first…)

As I work on developing this story, you are very welcome to ask questions about these characters on my tumblr (which could very well result in a doodle or comic that ends up here!). I will try to avoid explicitly saying or mentioning anything that might be considered “spoilers” for the broader story, but everything else is more or less fair game.

Content Warnings

Villain-Coded is intended for an audience of teenagers and older, and contains mature, though not explicit, content. Though specifics may change as the story develops, some of the following themes worth consideration may be present or will eventually emerge in the story as currently planned.

About the Artist

A drawing of Puzz, looking very normal, plus kitty cat.

Anonymous Puzzler, better known to most as Puzz, is an all-purpose creative who just can’t stop making projects for herself. You might know her from various fanart and fanfiction, or from the streams she does with friends or her partner Holly, or from project management for the ongoing multimedia project Welcome Home. Wherever you know her, you’ve probably been subjected to her talking about her special little supervillains, and if you’re into that, well, it’s probably why you’re here!

Outside of making too many darn things, Puzz also has a master’s degree, juggles a ton of different jobs in art and educational fields, and is very passionate about media literacy and creative, inclusive education. Who knew!!